Online Therapy in Wisconsin

Telehealth online therapy for Wisconsin

In addition to traditional in-office sessions,Tall Oaks Therapy, LLC also provides HIPAA approved Telehealth (video conferencing) therapy sessions to clients in the State of Wisconsin. For many clients in-office appointments are simply not feasible due to geography, symptoms, scheduling etc. For these reasons Tall Oaks Therapy, LLC is proud to provide the flexibility necessary for all people in need to access mental health services in a secure and professional manner.

We have had great success providing Telehealth online therapy sessions. Our clients who take advantage of this service claim that it is just as effective as in-office sessions, far more convenient and less stressful. Accessing a Telehealth session is as simple as clicking on a link which is sent to you via email.

Please contact us if you have any questions and/or would like to set up a Telehealth session.