The Decision to Take Psychiatric Medication

Psychiatric pills prescribed to psychotherapy and psychology patients.

Is psychiatric medication right for me?

The decision to take psychiatric medication can be quite difficult for many people. They hear advice from all directions; from doctors, therapists, family & friends and random sources on the internet. It’s hard to know who to trust and what truly is best for you. My psychotherapy clients often ask me if I feel they need to start or stay on medication. Since I am not a psychiatrist I cannot tell them either way if they should be on medication, however I can provide psycho-educational assistance regarding important factors they should consider when making the decision to contact a psychiatrist. I hope this article will provide guidance for those who are wondering whether psychiatric medication is right for them. Read More

Psychiatrists vs Psychologists vs Psychotherapists vs Counselors, what’s the difference?

As a psychotherapist, I am often asked what the difference is between the different types of mental health providers. This is an understandable question, as there are several different titles for mental health professionals who seem to do similar work. In order to clear up any confusion, below is a description of and differences between psychiatrists, psychologists, psychotherapists and licensed professional counselors.

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Tall Oaks Therapy

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